Monday, March 15, 2010


Oh, what to do, what to do!! Frustration, frustration, frustration.

So the hubby has changed his schedule in order to see his son on his court appointed days. A little background. Dad (hubby) has child Wed 3:00pm to Sun 9:30am; Mom Sun 9:30am to Wed 3:00pm. With some weird addition to the agreement in that if the parent is working or needs a sitter when the child is scheduled to be with that parent the other parent must be notified first and given option of "first refusal". In other words you are offering that parent the option of sitting for you or not. Because of this clause Dad was not able to see his son on Wed or Thur due to the fact that he was working and the time off was 8:30 in the evening. By the time Dad would be able to collect son it would be around 9:30pm and too late as child would be in bed (or rather should be in bed). So this stupid scheduling arrangement led to Dad going part-time (total with my blessing and full support) in order to see his child on his court appointed days.

Nevermind seeing the child, he is now helping with homework and there has been some improvement in his school performance. The first week of the new schedule Dad received a call from the child's teacher in regards to child's school performance. Her message Ryan, if he doesn't get a grip and shape up in the spelling writing department, will be failing the second grade. Big SHOCKER there.

So my vent here is that Mom has been taking care of child Mon-Thurs and along with her new hubby they have been helping child with his homework, evidently not very well as he was failing the second grade. (Note, child was held back in kindergarten.)

So, Dad has been working with child for three weeks now. Mom had been taking child to scouts every Thursday night at 7:00pm; doing homework when they got back home after 8:00pm. Spelling test every Friday at school. Child never knows the words; how to spell nor the definitions, or how used in a sentence.

Mom has been verbally abusive because Dad is not taking child to boy scouts and instead (oh my God) doing homework, learning, playing catch-up. I can honestly say, that I have never loved my husband more (I'm sure this will continue to grow); he is tirelessly working with his son so that he will now do well in school. Working so hard, I am in awe!!! We've gotten worksheets from the internet, trying different ways for child to do well with his spelling. We are also trying to make things fun!!! That is the hard part!!!

It breaks my heart that Dad does all this work and Mom just gets on the phone and gets a tutor. For the second grade no less!!!! Oh, my God what a slug!!! Oh, yes, she paid for a tutor for the child in KINDERGARTEN too!! What a complete idiot!!

She has ranted and raved now so that Dad will take child to scouts each Thursday. I do realize that socializing is indeed another way of learning, but this kid is behind in school, drastically, and she wants him in scouts on Thursday night rather than studying. I mean I know that the kid is 8, but for right now he needs to pass school!

Again, I am quite sure that this makes absolutely no sense, but I am just typing out random thoughts in order to vent....or I'll explode.....
